Stop Calling it A Side Hustle

Stop Calling it A Side Hustle

Even nightmares at times can be appreciated. I was thinking about, how a lot of people describe the loss off everything because of the Pandemic how it ruined their life's, but then there's those whose recollections are not of despair. Their lives during and after the pandemic is no where near the same. Goes to show good or bad everything is affected by cause and affect. Every action there's a reaction. ( The truth is Reaction is what controls the outcome ).Its undeniable,  , the Pandemic affected everyone but for a lot of people the Pandemic just required more Hustle the the Hustlers, The Unambitious- comfortable with nothing type of people chose to  do what t hey do. to remain comfortable with being broke, eating noodles for breakfast -lunch and dinner. All the while wishing and waiting for a "Miracle" to happen; and  never not once, not even for a minute think or put effort into figuring it out.

 All the while ,  there's people that Rose to the occasion, Hustlers continued to Hustle, and became more innovated it didn't take to long for people to figure out several ways to get money while everyone else was standing in longs lines waiting to buy out the worlds supply of toilet paper! 

Well it looks like some people were born with all the and some people weren't

Its undeniable that the so called Hustlers, created opportunity for themselves while the world shut down. They did what  they do best found the sources and resources needed in order to make something from nothing. The amount of new start up small businesses proves it happened , made something out of nothing!  " Hustler Entrepreneurs or shall we call them, "HUSTLEPRENEURS". "

"Having  Ambition, Motivation and Innovation gives you PERMISSION TO HUSTLE...

-From  Hustler to Entrepreneur 


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